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Nepal GoodWeave Foundation

Major Achievements as of March 31, 2019

1 Foundation Registered on December 24, 1995 - in Kathmandu, Nepal
2 Composition of the  Executive Committee (Board of Directors) Representative from the Carpet Sector   -   Four Members
Representative from the Child Right NGOs   -   Four Members
Independent Professional in the field of Social Work   -   One Member
3 Total Number of Staff Twenty-six Personnel
4 Major Programmes and Activities   1)   Carpet Factory Licensing, Inspection, Monitoring and Carpet Certification ;
2) Child Labour Removal and Rehabilitation of the displaced Carpet Children (GoodWeave centre and Family re-union at the Community Level with support for education) ;
3) Preventive Social Programmes (includes programmes such as providing Education Sponsorship for Workers' Children, Day Care cum Education Centre, Supporting Day Care Centres being run by various Carpet factories and Conducting Awareness Programmes in Carpet Factories as well as managing mobile medical health camps.
4) Promotion and Advocacy for socially responsible and environmentally sound 
5 General Members (Carpet Licensees & Child Right NGOs)  43 (23) from Child Right NGOs)
6 GoodWeave LICENSEES  (Carpet Factories under License)                                                                       Currently 313 Factories
7 No. of Carpet Factories under the Licensees 2,772 Factories (including their sub-contractors)
8 No. of Inspections carried out by the GoodWeave Inspectors from December 1996 to as of date. 70,715 Factory Inspections (presently seven inspectors are working)
9 Action taken for non-compliance of GoodWeave Criteria  
-   Factories with 1st Offence  732
-   Factories with 2nd or More Offences 381
    Factories Out-listed as Suppliers to GoodWeave Licensees 8
   GoodWeave Licenses Revoked/Cancelled for non-renewal 149
10 Total Number of GoodWeave Labels Issued from December 1996 to as of date. 477,764
11 Cumulative Quantity of Carpets Exported with GoodWeave Labels (in Sq. Mt.)  Germany USA  UK Other Countries  Total 
760,274 941,5126 219,980 38,368 1,959,748
12 Total No. of Child Labourers Identified by GoodWeave Inspectors till date from the carpet factories. 2,638
13 Child Labourers brought for Rehabilitation at GoodWeave Centres 1,206
14 Child Labour Re-united with their Families till date 1089 children (146 ewre reunited after completing their Vocational training)
15 Total Number of Children, as of date, being Covered and Supported by GoodWeave Nepal under various         Rehabilitation & Preventive Programmes: Currently 569 children 
(a) Rehabilitation Programme:  
-  Centre Based Rehabilitation Programme (1 Centre - Hamro Ghar) Covered under GoodWeave Programme currently 28 children ( Total - 1,211)
-  Community Based Rehabilitation Programme Currently 21 children (Support for Education in the community - Total 1089)
-  Supported by other NGOs / Individuals / Little Angel                 School/LAB School 17 children in LAB School & in other institution 0 - Total - 87
(b) Preventive Programme:  
- Sponsored Education Programme Currently 281 (School Scholarship Program for Carpet Workers' Children, Total - 638)
- Day Care cum Education Programme (4 Centres) Currently 220 (EPHC- 99 HRS- 40, HRS(2)- 26,CWARDS- 55, Weaving Training - 0) Total- 2686 (For carpet worker's children)
16 GoodWeave-UCEP  Programme
Currently 0  in the programme (Total-63)
17 Number of Adults benefitted from Carpet Weaving Training
Currently 0 in the Training (Total - 340)
18 No. of people benefitted by counseling service (each visit recorded since November 2000) 11,933 (Children - 8,029 Parents/Guardians - 2,181, Others/Weavers - 1,723)Total no. of counseling sessions-2,603)
19 Monitoring & Follow-up for Children under Community Based Rehabilitation & Sponsored Education Programs (records maintained since October 2000) 18,254 (Within Kathmandu Valley - 17,534 Outside Kathmandu. - 720)
Day Care Centres of Carpet factories provided one time support 23 Factories (Supporting around 700 children)
21 Number of Awareness Programme Covered in Carpet Factories (since 2000) and in Community (since 2012)
Workers' Awareness Programs 203 (Total no. of Beneficiaries 5830) Community Awareness Program 1 (Total no. of Beneficiaries 500)
No. of Non-Formal Education and Apprenticeship  46 Factories (Covering around 1,146 individuals)
  classes at carpet factories for children above 14 years
23 Mobile Medical Health Camps Since June 2005 28 camps conducted (3,818) workers and their family members have benefitted- 1 Eye Camp with 92 beneficiaries)

  Nepal GoodWeave Foundation
GPO Box: 12698, Kathmandu
House No. 346, Madan Ashrit Marg, Gothatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-5148216/ 5148132
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