Family Rehabilitation Project

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'Family Rehabilitation in the Weavers Community in Nepal' is a post disaster project implemented by Nepal GoodWeave Foundation (NGF) in 2015. Under the project, weavers from GoodWeaves' licensees and supply chain from the different source districts: Solukhumbu, Sindhuli, Ramechap, Okhandhunga, Nuwakot, Makwanpur, Kavre, Kathmandu, Gorkha, Dolakha, Dhading, Bhaktapur, Rasuwa and Sindhupalchowk working in the carpet factrories at Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur were provided support. Three dimensional program was designed to provide material support and education support to the earthquake affected weavers working at Kathmandu in order to ensure the weaver's stability. 

1. Housing and Livelihood support: 396 weaver’s families from the GoodWeave coverage factories were benefited through the source village based housing support. With the objective of the activity to support weavers with the necessary materials including zinc plates, nails, bamboos, wood crafts and labor cost or anything necessary to the family to build back their houses better at village, GoodWeave distributed 2 bundles ( 16 sheets) galvanized zinc sheets. The beneficiaries used the materials to roof their houses. The support was framed in a partnership model. The weavers used the materials distributed by GoodWeave for their housing with the other supports provided by Nepal government and some other NGOs.
2. Educational Support: 211 school going children of the identified 425 weaver's family received sponsored education support of Rs. 7,500.  The children who resided within or outside the factory premises with their parents (target weavers) were the benefitted group. This sponsored education support helped the target family to pay the school fee including stationary, uniforms and lunch for a year. Education support to the children was proved effective as the children continued their formal education.  The documents such as school enrollment card, exam results, stationeries bills etc were collected from the target families
3. Psychosocial Counseling support: The main objective under support was to conduct psychosocial counseling for the affected weavers to reduce the fear and stress produced by the earthquake and the subsequent aftershocks. The technical facilitation was delivered by Transcultural Psychosocial Organization Nepal (TPO Nepal), one of the Nepal's leading psychosocial counseling organizations established with an aim of promoting psychosocial well-being and mental health of children and families in vulnerabilities community. 25 earthquake affected weavers received the counseling support. Half day session was focused on the disaster preparedness, livelihood and health care during disaster situation.  The session was beneficial in terms of assisting the participants to ventilate their stress and tension increased by the earthquake
  Nepal GoodWeave Foundation
GPO Box: 12698, Kathmandu
House No. 346, Madan Ashrit Marg, Gothatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-5148216/ 5148132
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